"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

My photo
I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dog Days Of Summer 2013 - Smokin'!!

Where did summer go???!!!

A few days into our holiday and the sky darkened with thick smoke from wildfires that are miles away in Yosemite. I don't even know where that is but the smoke is so bad here in Tahoe that I can smell it everywhere - indoors and out. Even mummy and daddy, whose noses are nowhere nearly as sophisticated as mine, have been complaining about the smell!
This picture shows you how smokey it was as this is in the middle of a summer day. It looks like it is dusk or about to rain. 

Nonetheless, Daddy still wanted to go swimming at the lake each morning. The smoke made it difficult to breath and I was so worried that we might not see if daddy got into trouble while he was swimming that I swam out to keep an eye on him. 
Mind you, Daddy likes to swim a long way, back and forth, from shore to shore. I find that a little boring especially as he doesn't even bring a stick or tennis ball along for fun! In the end, I got so bored. He seemed to be doing fine on his own ... so I left him to it!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dog Days of Summer 2013 - Walking Daddy

Mummy went for a long bike ride today as she is training for a big ride. While she was gone, daddy took me for a walk along Alder Creek and we found a great swimming hole. Well I did. I stood on the side to encourage daddy to join me but he was not interested. He said something about bugs and mud....
So I went in on my own and checked it out. Like all water, it was GREAT!! I just love to snuffle around in the water, blowing bubbles out of my nose. 
I found a bridge to use as a diving platform. if there is one thing better than swimming, its diving. The bridge was a little rickety and some of the boards were missing so it wasn't a very stable diving platform. It made it really difficult to jump into the water...instead of my usual flamboyant dives, I did a few less than graceful belly flops. 
I realised that the only way to address the problem was to fix the bridge. Luckily the missing boards were easily found in the bushes, so I decided to bring them back to daddy so he could fix the bridge. 
I am such a good canine citizen!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dog Days of Summer 2013 - The Right Start

WOW! WOW! WOW! It's the summer holidays and I get to come too!! Best of all, we are in Tahoe for ten days. This is one of my favourite places as there is hiking, water, tennis balls, water, sometimes snow, water, lakes, tennis balls, great smells, water and sniffs!!!
Today is our first full day and we are getting things off to the right start with a morning swim....in the LAKE!! Here's daddy showing perfect form in the lake. He swims a long way out!
Here's me. I swim close to shore to fetch the tennis balls that mummy throws out into the lake for me to fetch. I too exhibit perfect form like daddy.

Here are some dogs who are just plain showing off!! Paddle boarding canines indeed!
Here I am trying to teach daddy the basics of 'fetch'. He really isn't grasping the concept. I sat on the beach for a very long time, waiting for him to swim to the ball and bring it to me. 
In the end, it was easier to just swim out there and get it myself!!
No worries. We can practice again tomorrow!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Tahitian vanilla bean gelato. 

I have no idea what that all means but I do know that I like it A LOT! Unfortunately, daddy likes it A LOT too..... He has an advantage over me because he knows how to open the freezer drawer. Mummy doesn't buy gelato often. She says daddy and I have no "Will Power". I have no idea who he is but I am really glad we don't have him as that would mean having to share, and daddy and I don't do that very well. In fact, I have had to perfect the art of silent persuasion in order to get some gelato. Here's my technique:

Step 1
Start with 'sit'. It's a 'good boy' behaviour and shows that I am patient. it also looks nonchalant, as if I am not really begging at all!
Step 2
When 'sit' fails, stand up and draw closer. I make it a little more obvious that I am there and that maybe I would like some gelato too. Sometimes daddy teases me with the gelato and that is just plain mean, so I move on to Step 3.
Step 3
Extreme close-up 'sit'. This move is hard to ignore. I get really close so that I can almost touch the pot with my nose. I stare directly at daddy and do not blink. Ever.
Step 4
Success! It only ever takes three steps before my cuteness is overwhelming and daddy offers me what is left in the gelato pot. I have to lie down to get into the best position to lick every last bit of gelato, even if the pot is only just large enough for my nose. 

And that's pretty much how I get everything that I want. Cuteness and persistence. 
It's the Tao of Dog.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pedigree Genes

Today daddy decided that mummy and I could help him look for new genes. I know a thing or two about good genes. After all, I am a pedigree! 

The fact is, you can't find good genes, you are born with them. 

That didn't stop daddy from going to a shop to find some. I did try to tell him that you don't get good genes from trying on lots of clothes but that didn't stop him. He just kept looking and looking and looking. It was so tiring that I had to have a nap in the fitting room. 

Good genes give rise to good behaviour. Now let me tell you, daddy needed some new genes because today he was so badly behaved that he threw all the clothes he didn't like on top of me!! I am not a clothes horse....nor am I am clothes dog!

The good news is that daddy did find new genes. Or at least some new clothes.....and his behaviour did improve. He has been walking around like a newly brushed alpha dog ever since!!

Not today, thank you.

Every evening I get taken for a short walk after dinner. One last stretch of the legs before we all settle in for a relaxing night. It's also my opportunity to have a quick bathroom break.

But sometimes I just don't fancy - or need - a walk down the hill and back. No matter how slowly I walk, mummy and daddy walk on, chatting away, blissfully ignorant to my procrastination and the fact that the flexi-leash is extending further and further and further. 

Until it stops. 

Sometimes, I just have to take a stand, or sit, to make my point. Not today, thank you!