"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

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I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The first half of 2009 was tremendous fun because mummy got laid off from work and we got to spend a lot of time playing together. While mummy was off work, she spent some time traveling. One of the places she went was Turkey. I don't know why she had to go so far. I regularly see wild turkey right here in our driveway. Not that I want to hang out with them. They are bigger than me but I still chase them down the road. Mummy seemed to have a great time though, especially as she met up with friends who were traveling the world. She also got to stop off in London to catch up with her friends and family. I think mummy secretly wanted to spend more time traveling but she had to come home to look for a job. Oh...and to look after me and daddy. I am not sure which one of us was happiest to see her again!
Nearly every day we went for hikes around Mt. Tam. I got to see some wonderful morning views of San Francisco. 


On the way home from a long hike, I like to stop at this one house that has a water feature in the front garden. It’s the perfect place to cool my paws!

Mummy took me mountain biking on Mt. Tam. I ran alongside the bike….mummy was much faster than me on the downhills but I was much, much faster than her on the uphills. I had to keep turning around to check that she was still there! Every now and then we would stop for a drink.


We were both just as tired as each other at the end of a ride and we always had a victory cuddle to celebrate making it to the end in one piece.

Mummy said this time that all this time we got to spend together was called 'funemployment'. I like it when mummy is funemployed! 

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