"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

My photo
I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Milo's Going on a Summer Holiday!

It has been a while since I sent a memo and the reason is that I have been so busy this summer.


Mummy and Daddy have been busy with something called the “global economic recession”… people are being forced out of their kennels and have to buy a smaller place to live. I am glad I already have a kennel and a big dog bed because if I had to have a smaller one I would have trouble fitting on it at night, especially as I like to stretch out and make myself really long when I sleep. Apparently people also have to make do with less. So in order to do my part, I am playing with toys like this one, which should really be thrown away as I have chewed them a lot.

To save money in the ‘”global economic recession”, mummy, daddy and I spent our summer holidays in Tahoe. Personally I think this was better than “going away” because that means going to camp without mummy and daddy, and there are no lakes and mountains at camp.


I spent a lot of my holiday in the lake, fetching tennis balls…

Mummy made strange squeaks when I got out of the lake and shook myself to dry off!



When I wasn’t chasing tennis balls, I took mummy and daddy hiking. Here are mummy and me at the top of one of the mountains after a long, steep climb up. It was very windy up there. Mummy kept losing her hat and I kept getting wind in my jowls…very strange….

Most of the hikes were fairly sedate by my standards, as you can see from this picture…


Daddy and I spent a lot of time swimming in the alpine lakes that we hiked to. It was lovely to jump into the clear blue water after a long walk in the hot sun.


I tried to teach daddy how to fetch sticks but his mouth is not designed like mine so he had trouble with the technique.

Daddy did teach me a great new trick though. He jumped into the water from a “rope swing” and I dived in afterwards to rescue him. We did it over and over and over again – it was so much fun!

Here I am diving in after daddy… 

Here I am swimming out to rescue him… Daddy is always very encouraging, calling out to me and telling me what a good boy I am. Sometimes he would swim towards me…

Then he would swim around in the lake with me and I would lead him back to the shore.


Daddy also took me in a “canoe”

Daddy gave me an oar of my own, although he was much better at paddling than I was. I would prefer to be IN the water than on it…

At the end of every day of the holiday, daddy and I would spend quality time just hanging out on the sofa with one of my favourite toys.

All the adventures of each day left me completely tuckered out and I spent a lot of time sleeping and dreaming of all the fun things we would do the next day on our holiday….

Sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Smith/Gulick Wedding

In early October I was invited to a very special event called “a wedding”. When two people are very much in love, they celebrate their love with a ‘ceremony’, where they promise to love each other forever. I love water and tennis balls very much so maybe I could have a wedding with one of those? It would be difficult to choose which one though. Maybe that is what people mean when they say it takes so long to find ‘the one’?

The wedding was amazing. I was allowed to come to the after-party and there were lots of wonderful people there who played with me. I was on my best behaviour and didn’t steal any food. Everyone said that I was a very good boy. 
Daddy was not on his best behaviour. He had way too much food called ‘wine’. I was not sure why a type of food would be called that until the next day, when dad did a lot of whining. I usually do that when I want to go outside but daddy didn’t want to go anywhere – he wouldn’t even get out of bed! Eventually I was able to coax daddy out of bed by licking his toes….

Once he was out of bed, I showed daddy that the best remedy was to jump into the pool, head and paws first. 
Here I am showing daddy how it’s done…

Once daddy got the hang of things, he showed me how to make swimming even more fun…by introducing tennis balls!! That was great fun. Water and tennis balls… my wedding favourites!

Then daddy showed me a new game where we jump into the swimming pool together after the tennis balls and see who can get them first.


Daddy saw that by going head first, I was winning so he had a go at that technique himself.


Next we had swimming races and as you can see, I was much faster than daddy. So he tried to cheat by distracting me with tennis balls. Bad daddy!


Then Daddy got really carried away … he often has a tendency to take it just one step too far. He was constantly dive bombing me!! 

So I had to give daddy a “time-out”…no more playtimes until he calmed down. As you can see, he was not very happy. 
Eventually mummy came and told us it was time to stop playing. We relaxed on the sun loungers for a while and then because daddy had finally recovered from his ‘wine-ing’, we were able to go home.

So here is the end of another Milo Memo! 
Pawsitively Yours, Milo xxx

Friday, August 15, 2008

Milo Learns to Swim

Milo here! I see another Milo Memo on the horizon!

Well the summer is certainly here and mummy and daddy took me back up to the mountains. In fact, we have been a few times but this time was special because I learned to swim!! Apparently I am born to swim as I have webbed toes like a frog….whatever one of those is….
Here I am with mummy on the hike to the lake…..
It was quite a long hike so I stopped a few times on the way to do different things as I got a little bored of walking, walking, walking. Here I am with a big stick – great for chewing….
  ….and here I am playing in some plants. I think my chocolate coat looks good in green, don’t you?

Eventually we arrived at the lake. It was beautiful and I decided to scope it out so I would know what to expect when I went in for my swim. It looked fine from here….

…and the temperature seemed fine. Nice and cool after a long, hot hike….. 

Mummy spent some time giving me a pep talk and swim tips. I was not so sure…

…but daddy threw a stick for encouragement and once I was in, I loved it! It was ‘aqua fetch’ and I did swim for the stick over and over again!

Daddy was so proud of me. He was all smiles and gave me a big cuddle when I came out of the water even though I was all wet….

He gave me cuddles from all angles!

I sunbathed on the rocks after my swim but I started to feel a little chilly so I huddled up in a little ball…

Mummy could tell so she gave me a big cuddle to keep me warm….

Once I had warmed up, we began our hike back down the mountain. Daddy was still all smiles and kept stopping to give me a cuddle for being such a brave boy and swimming.

I had to keep stopping again to do different things, like play with a giant pine cone!

And daddy had to keep stopping for more smiles and cuddles!
He was so proud that once we got back to the cabin, he let me play with a giant ball instead of a giant pine cone. Once again I look good in green… What an adventurous day!

Ciao for now!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My friend Chug!

Hello everyone!!!!

I want to introduce you to my new best friend. His name is Chug and he is a “British Bulldog”. He weighs about the same as me but his legs are shorter than mine. So is his nose. Although I am much taller than Chug, he can hike just as far as I can….only slower. That doesn’t bother Chug though, because when it comes to a game of tug, he is the master. Apparently he was bred that way….
Here we are playing with one of my tug toys. In this one, I am letting Chug get the hang of things….
Chug soon got the hang of things too much….here he is getting in close for a big tug. He might have the end of the tug but once he gets a hold, he doesn’t let go….and he tugs and tugs and tugs….!
In fact, Chug was so good at tug and shaking the toy that he made my ears flap about at top speed! You can see the speed in this picture – Go Chug!
All that playing with my toys made Chug and I very hungry and thirsty. So we stopped for some Scooby snacks. We are such good friends that Chug and I swapped food -how is that for best buddies!
After food, Chug and I had a long nap together. That’s when we found something else that we have in common – SNORING!


Milo & his new friend Chug

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spring is in the Air

It's Time to Spring Another Milo Memo!

Hello everyone! Milo here!

Woof has it been a very busy Spring! So busy that we are now into the summer! I’ve grown a lot too – I am no longer the little 15lb puppy everyone thought was cute and cuddly. I am now a 57lb little boy! Everyone still thinks I am cute and cuddly though! So what have I been up to other than eating massive amounts of kibble and sausage?

I have discovered that even though I have allergies that make me sneeze all over mummy and daddy, I love walking though the flowers. They always make me smile!

I’ve also been practicing my obedience training skills and I am doing really well. I know this because I get lots of treats. I don’t always master the techniques though, as you can see here! Mummy is telling me to ‘come’ and I am doing a ‘sit’. That said, Daddy doesn’t always master the obedience skills either, so I think it’s OK if I don’t.

It has been very hot this Spring so mummy and daddy bought me my very own swimming pool! Daddy and I tested it out and I discovered that I love water!

Daddy often says that it’s very important to accessorize. I didn’t know what he meant when he bought me the swimming pool…but then he bought me my very own hammock!

Sometimes I let daddy come and sunbathe on the hammock with me because he sits next to it and looks at me with big sad eyes otherwise
But most of the time I just lie on it and look cute…

Anyway, it’s time for more kibble and sausage – I’m off - goodbye!