"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

My photo
I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chrissy Fields Dig Fest

Guess who, Memo Fans?? That's right! 
It's mummy and me!!

We just dropped daddy off to ride with his cycling club, which means I get to take mummy to the beach at Chrissy fields! We have been coming here a lot recently and I love it because we can see the Golden Gate Bridge and it's a lovely long beach where I can run and swim and fetch my tennis balls. 

At the opposite end of the beach is Alcatraz. It's a prison and apparently that's where naughty people are sent. I guess that's the human equivalent of me being told I'm bad and to go and lie on my bed....

Anyway, the beach is so long from the Bridge to the Prison that I can race up and down so fast that my ears fly around!!

 Mummy told me that naughty people don't like to stay on Alcatraz and they try to escape by digging a tunnel to the sea. I thought I would have a go at digging a tunnel to Alcatraz!!

I dug and dug and dug....but Alcatraz is too far away. Mummy said that good dogs would rather be free and off leash anyway. 
She is right. There really is nothing like the freedom of the wind in your fur. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Santa Paws

Merry Christmas Milo Memo Fans!!

Well, what a wonderful time I am having this Christmas! I got a whole bag full of presents!! After I retrieved each present (because after all, I am a Labrador retriever!), I gave it a good sniff to try and guess what was inside. 

Then I would begin by ripping open the ends. Tearing paper is tremendous fun and because I do it in little bite-sized pieces, it also makes a lot of soggy paper mess. 
So much fun!

Eventually I would rip open enough to discover all the wonderful things inside. 
Check it out! A knobby, green tennis ball!!! 
Woo hoo!!!

Unwrapping presents is so much fun and I get carried away - I even helped daddy open his presents! He didn't ask me to. I just did it to help him out because he was taking so long to do it himself. I'm helpful that way.

Here I am unwrapping one of his gifts while he's not looking!

Sadly unwrapping gifts is over all too soon but I did make sure that I didn't miss any presents. This meant digging! Right to the bottom of the bag!

...and just like that, the present opening opening fun is over for another year

OK... Now get this Santa suit off me!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Just another winter day in Marin....

It has been raining cats and Milos for weeks on end and now, all of a sudden, the sun started shining! It is beautiful down at the marshes. The meadow is full of clean, fresh rain water and I can splash my way after all my tennis balls without becoming a muddy puppy!
Having fun can be tiring. Here I am chilling out for a minute. When I am not tearing through it at top speed, the water is as still and smooth as a mirror. Look at the amazing reflection of Mt. Tam in the water behind me! 

How do you like my close up? I think I look rather suave and sophisticated in this one....

However, the best part about living in Marin is that even in winter, I can end up playing in the sand on the beach. Life is good!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Paw-ddling Pool

Mummy and daddy celebrated their wedding anniversary by hanging out with ME!! Personally, I can't imagine a more fabulous way to celebrate and mark a special occasion! 

We rented a house in Sonoma and hung out for the weekend. We went whine-tasting at a few great dog-friendly wineries. Apart from being wonderful places to visit because they welcomed and petted me (and gave me treats), they also made tasty wine according to mummy and daddy. In case you fancy taking your dog parents there, the wineries are Enkidu, En Garde and Keenan. 

Wine tasting can be hot work, so afterwards we stopped off at Eliabeth Anne Perrone Dog Park. It was a super toasty day so mummy filled up a little plastic paddling pool for me to cool off in. It's not quite my dog bone paddling pool (which I gifted to the Milo Foundation) but I was able to fit in perfectly if I bent myself into a doughnut shape. 


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Quick! While Nobody's Looking!

Yep.....that's me on mummy and daddy's bed!! 
I'm maximizing my coverage by spreading myself out like a dog star.... 
Shhh! Don't tell anyone that I was up here!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kidding About

What is this invasion on my play area??!! 

Daddy and I went to the marshes today and it has been over-run with goats!! Apparently they are there to eat all the weeds. Well as far as I can tell, they are eating more than just weeds and in the process, pooping all over the place....and nobody is clearing it up in bags afterwards!! 
Daddy told me not to worry. Goats are good and they give back by producing yummy yogurt. 
He showed me some in a pot.

And then he let me try some. It was so tasty that I wanted to eat the whole pot! I almost got my nose stuck in there!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rug Rats

 I don't always sleep on the rug with daddy.....sometimes I do it with mummy too....

Saturday, July 19, 2014

More Milo and Lucy

Well I'm comfy!! What a Sofa Hog I am!

Lucy's face says a thousand barks!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bodega Bay Dreamin'

What a view! 

Mummy and daddy rented a house that sits right on top of a cliff overlooking the sea near Bodega Bay. It is so beautiful. 
I can't wait to go down to that beach I can see from this window and play in the sea.

It is so relaxing and cozy here under my blankets, listening to the sea. I find myself snoozing more than normal.

Daddy, Mummy and I are spending a lot of time down on the beach by the house. Daddy brought the chuck-it and threw the ball for me over and over and over again. It was so much fun that I didn't even notice how tired I was getting. 
I love the beach! And sea! And tennis balls! And daddy! And mummy! 

Did I mention tennis balls and the beach?!

Eventually we stopped and asked mummy if she wanted to play too but she was busy taking pictures of us silly boys.

It's so nice to come in from playing on the beach and relax in the warm sun by the window, watching the waves until they send me into yet another deep snooze. 

All this fun makes me so sleepy. Well, I am getting older now - I'm no Spring pup!
Luckily mummy had brought my favorite green friends - froggy and big snake - to keep me company. 
Oh, by the way, I'm not really sleeping on the armchair...

So the sun sets on another wonderful weekend.
Life is good. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Fun with Daddy at the Marshes

Come on daddy - let's go!! Time to play!

OK, now we're here, let's play! I'm waiting for you again....throw the ball daddy!

Yummmmm....this ball tastes so good now that I've chewed it and rolled it in the dirt a few times. 

Stare down. Who will move first? Me or the tennis ball?

Life is good with daddy at the marshes. It sure makes me smile!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

You didn't see me...

I am not really on the bed and if I don't look at you, you can't see me. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wish You Were Here

Hey everybody! It's a beautiful day at Rodeo beach! 
I'm so happy it makes me smile!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Milo loves Lucy

Lucy and I have been friends since we were puppies. We are so close that sometimes we just lie on the sofa together and don't speak a word all night. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Pleeeeeeeease....can we keep chasing the ball?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

"Business!" at Cavallo Point

Well you can imagine my surprise today when mummy said that daddy and I could join her for business! Myself? I prefer to do business in a private place, preferably hidden by a convenient bush or some tall grass. It appears that mummy does business with a group of other people and they all go to a hotel to do it!

Despite my reservations about what was to ensue, I was very happy to find out that it meant we were all going to stay the night at Cavallo Point! My longtime Memo readers will recall that I spent a New Years Eve here a few years ago. The great thing about Cavallo Point is that it is super dog-friendly so once again I got my own bed, bowls and bag of treats. I also got to run around in the grass and explore the World War II bunkers with mummy and daddy.

Here we are taking a 'selfie' high up on the hill overlooking the hotel. You can just see San Francisco in the background. I was so excited and loved it so much that I just had to kiss everyone!

While mummy went and did business, daddy and I hung out in the hotel room. Mummy took ages doing business - much longer than she ever allows me! So daddy and I had dinner and watched movies all night long. Just us boys, hanging out.

It was great!

Milo at the Marshes!

The Marshes.....one of my favourite places! At this time of the year, the rains have filled up the centre to make a large lake. It's a little slice of aquatic heaven! Today, Daddy brought his camera to photograph me. Mummy brought the chuck-it and tennis balls and boy, did I have fun! I raced through the water after those tennis balls....a picture a agility!
Daddy snapped away to capture all the best shots of me having fun.
It didn't matter how fast or far mummy threw the ball, I always got it.
When I had one ball, I was already looking for the next one.
...and I got that second one too!
If I run really fast, my ears fly up to help stabilise me. 
I ran and ran and ran, splashing about in the water and power sliding to get the ball.
A few times I power slid right next to mummy and she got covered in so much mud that she almost looked as brown as me!!! So eventually daddy and mummy made me come home. I showed them my disapproval by sticking my tongue out at them!