"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

My photo
I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rodeo Beach Beauty

I look good! Enough said. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Wolf Pack

During the weekdays, I hang with my wolf pack. We are a diverse mix of breeds, colors, shapes, sizes and personalities. As you can see, I like to be at the center of it all. My dog walker Leigh thinks we are all lined up for her but it's really because I told the gang to behave. 🐾

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Summer in Sonoma

What a year it has been for holidays! Mummy and daddy decided to save money by taking local holidays instead of flying somewhere exotic. This has been great for me as I have been able to join them on the holidays!!

Most recently we rented a house in the Sonoma wine country. It had a great saline pool and I was allowed to play in it all the time! I had so much fun swimming around and around.

When I wasn't swimming, I was practicing my doggy diving skills.

Daddy found a colourful ball for me to play with in the swimming pool. He would throw it into the water and I would watch and wait for it to drift slowly back to me. 

Sometimes it would require real patience and focus. I would will that ball to drift back to me...

...until it was close enough to scoop up! 

And after all the swimming and diving and playing with the ball, daddy and mummy would take me for lunch at a fabulous restaurant. Here are daddy and I hanging out and being cool dudes. 

I love summer holidays with mummy and daddy..... 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Beach Blues

 Daddy's parents are here and we all went to spend a few days at Bodega Bay. When we went to the beach, it was covered in beautiful blue jelly fish called Velellas. I loved them! I thought they were so beautiful and I kept barking it to mummy and daddy over and over again....

I barked so much in excitement that I not only tired myself out but daddy as well!!

Daddy and Me

Properly trained, a man can be a dog's best friend...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Toys 'N' Treats!

Mummy and daddy are off on one of their holidays so once again I get to hang out with my dog walker, Leigh. Mummy and daddy always worry that I am going to pine and suffer from separation anxiety. My puppy eyes play that up just enough to make them feel guilty when they leave. 

Yet the minute they do, I am off on my own kind of holiday!! 

I always have a fantastic time during my sleepovers at Leigh's house. We go for walks, hang out with my dog friends and play great games. I get lots of cuddles and massages. This evening, Leigh surrounded me with my favorite toys and introduced me to a new game, which  also dispenses treats

Toys AND treats!!
How pawsome is that?!! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Salt 'n' Pepper Chocolate

My how time flies!

I've noticed that my jumps are not as high, my running is a little slower, I chase tennis balls for a little less time and after all my active fun, I'm a little more tired than before. I'm a little stiff when I get up from my bed after a long snooze and yes, those snoozes are getting longer. Most of all, I have noticed my sprinklings of grey have officially become "salt 'n' pepper".

I hear that grey goatees are in so now I'm sporting my very own. I think it makes me look rather suave, debonair and sophisticated, don't you? 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


For those of you who follow my memos, you know that Daddy and I spend quite a bit of time at Cafe Verde. It's a dog friendly restaurant near our home, and has great food and outdoor seating. 

Today, daddy and I went there for breakfast. When I say daddy and I, I mean daddy and I because daddy bought me my very own breakfast - a plate of bacon!! 

It's true what they say. Everything really is better with bacon. Even Cafe Verde!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Battery Alexander

What is this??! This is the road to fun!! 

This takes me to sea, sand, tennis balls, sunny days.... You guessed it. This bridge takes me to the BEACH!!!

Daddy and I spent the morning exploring Rodeo Beach, Fort Kronkite, Hill 88, Battery Alexander. Actually, I think we explored half of Marin! We had a great time though. The weather was perfect and so was the light for photography. 

Check out my latest 'Pawsidential' shot!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Never Run With Sticks

I've been feeling a little under the weather, Memo Fans. I found myself back at the vet today after a little accident while running with a stick. 

My friends and I were playing chase with a stick. I was very excited that I got it - I grabbed one end and ran away really fast. Unfortunately, my paw to eye coordination was not working as well as my legs. The stick was a bit lop-sided and got stuck in the ground. So even though I ran fast, the stick stopped dead still. The momentum forced the end in my mouth under my tongue and cut it really deeply. 

That was a shock and pain that brought the game to a sudden halt! 
Boy did I yelp! 

I had to have stitches and am now on antibiotics and painkillers. The really bad news is that I'm not allowed to run around or play with tennis balls, sticks or other hard toys for at least a week!

The good news is that I have to have soft food so my kibble comes covered in gravy...oh, and I get lots of attention and naps on the deck with daddy, who seems to think my bed is his!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Milo Train

It's official .... I snore. Like a train. 

(believe it or not, you may have to turn the volume up to hear it!!)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hiking Hill 88

It is another beautiful sunny winter day in Marin! 

Daddy, mummy and I hiked to the top of Hill 88, which overlooks one of my favourite beaches, Rodeo Beach. It was a little windy but gorgeous nonetheless....especially because of us two good looking chaps!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

If you were my Valentine.....

....I'd give you a heart-shaped steak....

xoxo Milo xoxo

Monday, February 9, 2015

Patience is a Virtue

Good things come to those who wait. I am waiting for daddy to throw me a tennis ball!

In this one, I am waiting (again!) for daddy to finally take the photo. 
I love this shot though because I look very magical, just like my American Kennel Club name.... Osborne's Green-wing MAGIC Milo!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chilly out....

.... but I'm toasty snuggling in mummy's dressing gown....

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What's Up at the Marshes?

Hey Memo Mates - What's Up?!
I've been playing down at the marshes again and at this time of year, you know what that means...tennis balls, water and mud!! 

The winter rains have filled up the central grassy area and made a beautiful lake. It's surrounded by white birds who seem happy to watch me play. There's no end to the fun a dog can have squashing his tennis ball into the muddy wetland grass!

 Every now and then I give mummy a chance to get the ball so that she can throw it for me. Well at least I give that impression. As soon as she gets close enough to pick it up, I dart in and steal it! Here I am giving her a false sense of security that she can beat me to it this time. As you can see, it makes me smile just thinking about how futile that is!

 Being a cheeky dog can be very tiring though. In the end I simply lay down and keep the ball all to myself, chewing it until it's a muddy spit ball. Thats the best!

 ... and all the while, the white birds just continue to line up and watch me play...

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sleeping Beauties

When mummy gets up early to go to work, daddy and I like to get up really early too. That way we can maximize our busy day. Here we are, getting ready to get up.

Getting daddy out of bed is very difficult. I prod him a lot but all he does is shift positions. 

It's really quite tiring work. Eventually I realize that it's best to let sleeping dogs lie....

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Rock 'n' Roll Part 2

Yep - I am at it again. Avoiding my expensive dog toys in favour of all that nature has to offer. You can't beat rocks!

Yet again, entertainment is free!