"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andrew A. Rooney

About Me

My photo
I'm a dog. Dog is good! I was born in 2007 on the day after Christmas, which makes me a late present... I live in Marin, California with my human daddy, Dan and human mummy, Angela. They wanted to adopt a rescue puppy and although they were pre-approved, the organization declined them at the last minute because they work (while also telling them that dogs are expensive to keep). Mummy and daddy were very sad but it all turned out for the best - we all got to rescue each other and they get to spend their hard earned money on me! I'm a lovable chap and enjoy swimming, snow, tennis balls, cuddling and having my tummy rubbed. Not necessarily in that order.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fabulous at Five!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I can hardly believe that I am another year older. I'm certainly starting to feel the years. My joints ache after particularly energetic games of fetch and catching tennis balls. I've even noticed that I am a little stiffer and need a deeper downward dog stretch whenever I get up after a snooze. So you can imagine how very happy I am with my birthday present from mummy and daddy - a memory foam bed!

And just in case my memory starts to play up due to all this old age stuff, my bed even has my name on it! So I will always know where I can curl up and have a nice cosy nap. ..

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Countdown

What a wonderful Christmas Eve! After days of torrential rain, the clouds broke and the sun shone through. So we took the opportunity to get out for a run about. We went to Fort Kronkite and hiked up the Marin Headlands to the very top. What an amazing 360 degree view around the San Francisco Bay. We even stopped to explore all the old bunkers and take photos.

I was a bit of a naughty dog as I found a big muddy puddle to cool off in. I was covered in thick mud, which I later shook all over the inside of my car. Oh....and I sat in the back seat and got mud all over the leather. Mummy was not very pleased with me but as I said to her, the last time I checked, the license plate read MILOWGN and not MUMMYWGN.

I hope Father Christmas doesn't decide that I was too naughty and takes back the pizzles that I know are in my stocking.

Oh, before I forget, the clear crisp weather made for perfect photography. Before I got all muddy, Mummy took photos of all of us - here's my favourite of me with daddy and his parents.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Muddy Puppy!

Well the Winter has certainly arrived, which means that there is more water and mud than normal for me to play around. I love to snuffle around in the dirtiest, smelliest puddles that I can find. Unfortunately this means that I have been heading to Woodlands Pet Store rather more frequently for a bath. Don't tell mummy and daddy but I like my baths. After all, it's just another big pool of water to play in!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Tennis Balls See....

Mummy is away on business this week. I am not really sure what that means. Whenever I need to do business, mummy and daddy simply take me for a walk up the road where I can find a nice quiet spot to go to toilet. I haven't seen mummy all week so I guess she went further away for business. Strange...she could have just gone to the bathroom like daddy.

Anyway, with mummy being away on business, daddy and I got to hike Ring Mountain. We haven't been there for a while so it was nice to romp about on the hill with daddy. Here's a great shot of me waiting for daddy to throw the tennis ball. Check out that intense look of concentration - that is focus!